Braj (Hindi/Braj Bhasha: ब्रज) (also known as Brij or Brajbhoomi) is a region mainly in Uttar Pradesh of India, around Mathura-Vrindavan. Braj, though never a clearly defined political region in India, is very well demarcated culturally. It is considered to be the land of Krishna and is derived from the Sanskrit word vraja. The main cities in the region are Mathura, Bharatpur, Agra, Dholpur and Aligarh.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Krishna's bellicose activities

Krishna is - - - -
Krishna is inaccessible to sensuous knowledge (16.46).
Krishna is the Lord of the infinity of worlds (69.17).
Krishna wields the power of creating the unlimited (87.28).
Krishna carries the impress of limitless power (87.14).
Krishna is possessed of inconceivable potency (10 .29).
Krishna is unborn (59.28, 74.21).
Krishna solves all heterogeneous views (74.24).
Krishna is vanquished by exclusive devotion (14.3).
Krishna is the Inner Guide (l.17)·
Krishna is the Withholder of the energy of the wicked (60.19) .
Krishna is the Giver of salvation to jivas that are free from vanity (86.48).
Krishna ordains the worldly course of conceited jivas (86.48).
Krishna is Primal God (Deva) (40.1).
Krishna is Primal Person (Purusha) (63.38).
Krishna is an overwhelming flood of bliss (83.4).
Krishna possesses fulfilled desire (47.46).
Krishna is self-delighted (60.20).
Krishna is the opponent of the sensuous (60.35).
Krishna is sung by the best of hymns (86.23).
Krishna is the dispeller of the night of pseudo-religion. (14.40).
Krishna is devoid of increase and decrease (48.26).
Krishna is efficient and material cause (10.29).
Krishna is the only Truth (14.23).
Krishna is the Awarder of the fruit of work (49.29).
Krishna is not subject to the consequences of work (84.17).
Krishna is the Seer of cause and effect (38.12).
Krishna is the Person who is time (1.7).
Krishna is Time’s Own Self (70.26).
Krishna is even the Time of time (56.27).
Krishna is Present in the heart of every animate entity, like fire inside wood (46.36)
Krishna is Grateful (48.26).
Krishna is the Augmentor (like the Full Moon) of the ocean of earth, gods, twice-born and animals (14.40).
Krishna is the Tormentor of cannibalistic persons (14.40).
Krishna is the Destroyer of the pride of the arrogant (60.19).
Krishna is the Root-Cause of the origin, etc., of the world (14.23)
Krishna is the Cause of the world (40.1).
Krishna is the Creator of the world (70.38).
Krishna is appears as if possessed of a body like that of mundane entities for the good of the world (14.55).
Krishna is the Guru (centre of gravity) of the world (80.44).
Krishna is the Refuge (Ashraya ) of jivas (individual souls) who are afraid of birth and death (49.12).
Krishna is devoid of birth (46.38).
Krishna is equally the Internal Guide, Cause and Director of jivas (87.30)
Krishna is the Destroyer of the miseries of persons who enjoy themselves in meditating upon Him (58.10).
Krishna is of the fourth dimension and self-manifest (66.38)
Krishna is Worthy of being gifted (741.24) .
Krishna is the Punisher of the wicked (69.17).
Krishna is the God of gods (80.44).
Krishna is rarely cognizable by the gods (48.27).
Krishna is unconcerned about body, house, etc. (60.20).
Krishna is the Supreme Ruler of the greatest gods (738).
Krishna is the Exponent of Religion (69.40).
Krishna is the Eternal Son of Nanda (14.1).
Krishna is Visible to man with great difficulty (71.23).
Krishna’s Presence mocks the world of man (70.40).
Krishna is the Object of palatable drink of the human eye (71.33).
Krishna is lnternal Guide of all (31.4).
Krishna is Worthy of the worship of all the worlds (69.15).
Krishna accommodates all the worlds (59.30).
Krishna is the Maniifestor of all light (63.34).
Krishna is unstinted in giving Himself away to one who recollects Him. (80.11)
Krishna is the efficient Cause (87.50).
Krishna, although devoid of all mundane quality, assumes mundane qualities by His Inconceivable Power for the purposes creation, etc. (46.40).
Krishna is not subject to change (64.29).
Krishna is not capable of discrimination, by reason of void of any extraneous covering (87.29).
Krishna is the Giver of Himself to those who covet nothing (86.33).
Krishna loves those who covet nothing (60.14).
Krishna does no work (60.20).
Krishna is the Human, Hidden, Primal Person (Purusha) (44.13).
Krishna is Present in the hearts of jivas like the five elements (82.45).
Krishna is the Supreme Sorcerer (70.37).
Krishna is Supreme Godhead and the Internal Guide of all (56.27).
Krishna is the Crest-jewel of those whose praises are sung by the sacred lore (71.30).
Krishna is Primal Person and Ever-existing (14.23).
Krishna is the Highest among the Objects of worship (74.19).
Krishna is the Healer of the miseries of the submissive (73.16).
Krishna is the Destroyer of the sins of the submissive (31.7).
Krishna is the Destroyer of the distress of the submissive (73.8).
Krishna is the Residue after the Cataclysm (87.15).
Krishna is the Residue after the Cataclysm (87.15).
Krishna is devoid of touch with mundane senses (87.28).
Krishna is the Soul and Friend of all animate entities (29.32).
Krishna is devoid of distinction appertaining to an alien (63.38,44).
Krishna is Inconceivable by His Nature (70.38).
Krishna is the Master of the Universe (70.37).
Krishna is the Nourisher of the Unierse (85.5).
Krishna is the Sun that cheers the lotus of the kindred of the Vrishnis (14.40)
Krishna is God worshipped by the Brahmanas (69.15).
Krishna is Foremost of the Brahmanas (84.20).
Krishna is the Originator of Brahma (40.1).
Krishna is the Worshipped of Brahma (31.13).
Krishna loves His devotees (48.26).
Krishna wears Forms in accordance with the wishes of His devotees (59.25)
Krishna is etertnally Present in Mathura (1.28) .
Krishna is devoid of the. sense of kinship and regards all in the same way (46.37).
Krishna is beyond all Measuring Potency (Maya) (63.26)
Krishna is subdued by the love of Judhisthira (72.10).
Krishna is concealed by the screen of Maya from the sight of the people 84.23).
Krishna does not follow the ways of the world (60.36).
Krishna is the Destroyer of the fear of the mundane sojourn of the submissive. (85.19).
Krishna is the Womb of the Scriptures. (16.44, 80.45, 84.20).
Krishna is Sree Guru’s Own Self (80.33).
Krishna is devoid of hankering for wife, offspring, etc. (60.20).
Krishna is of the Ordainer of the worldly sojourn and of the summon bonum (1.7).
Krishna is the friend of the good (69.17).
Krishna is devoid of discrimination as of kinship (63.38, 44).
Krishna is Existence (56.27).
Krishna possesses true desires (80.44).
Krishna is the True Entity (87.17).
Krishna is True of speech (48.26).
Krishna is True of resolve (37.12).
Krishna sees with an equal Eye (16.33).
Krishna is the Cause of all causes (14.56-57, 63.38, 87.16).
Krishna is the Originator of all (59.28).
Krishna is the Soul’s own self of all jivas (individual souls) (14.55).
Krishna is Omniscient (16.48).
Krishna is All-seeing (38.18).
Krishna is the Embodiment of all gods (74.19, 86.54).
Krishna is the Seer of all (16.48).
Krishna is the Lord of all (37.23).
Krishna is the Stay (Ashraya) of all entities (82.46).
Krishna is All-pervasive and Eternal (9.13).
Krishna is the Soul of all elements (86.31).
Krishna is the Knower of the minds of all elements (81.1).
Krishna is the soul’s self of all elements (74.24).
Krishna is the lnner Soul of all elements (37.11).
Krishna is the Internal Guide of all elements (47.29)
Krishna is the Cause of the origin of all elements (64.29).
Krishna is the Limit of all good (84.21).
Krishna is Omnipotent (37.12).
Krishna is the Lord of Lakshmi, the Presiding Deity of all riches (47.46).
Krishna is the Internal Guide of all (63138, 7216).
Krishna is the Stay (Ashraya) of all (40.15).
Krishna is Witness and Seer of Self (86.31).
Krishna is the Refuge of the good (80.9).
Krishna is most difficult to serve (88.11).
Krishna is the Friend of one’s heart (48.26).
Krishna is the Withholder of Creation (82.45).
Krishna is Withholder, Creator and Preserver (63.44).
Master of the functions of creation, etc. (16.49, 37.12).
Krishna is devoid of distinction as of kinship (74.21).
Krishna is devoid of distinction as between kin and alien (72.6).
Krishna indwells the Universe created by Himself (48.19).
Krishna is satisfied by the taste of His Self-Delight (72.6).
Krishna is the Destroyer of the worldly sojourn of His devotees (60.43).
Krishna is the Wearer of body according to His Wish (1.7).
A Full Moon

So at the request of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and his representatives we humbly ask whom ever may read this article to please chant these holy names.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna - Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama - Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama - Rama Rama Hare Hare
Distributing Ecstacy
The very nature of Krishna has been described as "Ecstasy Himself." He is tasting the innate ecstasy of Himself. He knows His ecstasy and He feels it, but to distribute that innate ecstasy outside, a particular potency is indispensable, and that is known as hladini. The gist of hladini-shakti, or Krishna's internal ecstasy potency, is Radhika, who is drawing the innermost rasa, the ecstasy of the highest order, extracting it from within and distributing it outside.
Jai Sri Radhe
Srimati Radharani
CC Adi lila 4.87:
"krsna vancha purti rupa kare aradhane ataeva radhika nama purane vakhane"
Her worship (aradhana) consists of fulfilling the desires of Lord Krsna. Therefore the Puranas call Her Radhika.
His Divine Grace, Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prahbupada, on Radhastami, September 18, 1969, in London spoke the following:
"So what is the position of Srimati Radharani? We should try to understand this day and offer our obeisances to Radharani. Radhe vrndavanesvari.
tapta-kancana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye
Our business is "Radharani, You are so dear to Krsna. So we offer our respectful obeisances unto You."
tapta-kancana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye
Radharani is hari-priya, very dear to Krsna. So if we approach Krsna through Radharani, through the mercy of Radharani, then it becomes very easy. If Radharani recommends that "This devotee is very nice," then Krsna immediately accepts, however fool I may be. Because it is recommended by Radharani, Krsna accepts. Therefore in Vrndavana you'll find all the devotees, they're chanting more Radharani's name than Krsna's. Wherever you'll go, you'll find the devotees are addressing, "Jaya Radhe." You'll find still in Vrndavana. They are glorifying Radharani. They're more interested, worshiping Radharani. Because however fallen I may be, if some way or other I can please Radharani, then it is very easy for me to understand Krsna. Otherwise, manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati siddhaye yatatam api siddhanam kascid vetti mam tattvatah (Bg. 7.3)
If you go by the speculative process to understand Krsna, it will take many, many lives. But if you take devotional service, just try to please Radharani, and Krsna will be gotten very easily. Because Radharani can deliver Krsna. She is so great devotee, the emblem of maha-bhagavata. Even Krsna cannot understand what is Radharani's quality. Even Krsna, although He says vedaham samatitani, "I know everything," still, He fails to understand Radharani. Radharani is so great. He says that... Actually, Krsna knows everything. In order to understand Radharani, Krsna accepted the position of Radharani. Krsna wanted to understand the potency of Radharani. Krsna thought that "I am full. I am complete in every respect, but still, I want to understand Radharani. Why?" This propensity made Krsna obliged to accept the propensities of Radharani, to understand Krsna, Himself.
These are, of course, very transcendental, great science. One who is advanced in Krsna consciousness and well conversant with the sastras, they can understand. But still, we can discuss from the sastra. When Krsna wanted to understand Himself, He took the tendency of Srimati Radharani. And that is Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Radha-bhava-dyuti-suvalitam. Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Krsna, but He has accepted the propensities of Radharani. As Radharani is always in feelings of separation of Krsna, similarly, in the position of Radharani, Lord Caitanya was feeling separation of Krsna. That is the teachings of Lord Caitanya, feelings of separation, not meeting. The process of devotional service taught by Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His disciplic succession is how to feel separation from Krsna. That is Radharani's position, always feeling the separation. "
The 25 qualities of Srimati Radharani by which She captures Krsna:
1) She is sweetness personified.
2) She is a fresh young girl.
3) Her eyes are always moving.
4) She is always brightly smiling.
5) She possesses all auspicious marks on Her body.
6) She can agitate Krsna by the flavor of Her person.
7) She is expert in the art of singing.
8) She can speak very nicely and sweetly.
9) She is expert in presenting feminine attractions.
10) She is modest and gentle.
11) She is always very merciful.
12) She is transcendentally cunning.
13) She knows how to dress nicely.
14) She is always shy.
15) She is always respectful.
16) She is always patient.
17) She is very grave.
18) She is enjoyed by Krsna.
19) She is always situated on the highest devotional platform.
20) She is the abode of love of the residents of Gokula.
21) She can give shelter to all kinds of devotees.
22) She is always affectionate to superiors and inferiors.
23) She is the greatest amongst Krsna's girlfriends.
24) She is obliged by the dealings of Her associates.
25) She always keeps Krsna under Her control.
On pg 175 in "Nectar of Devotion," Srila Prabhupada writes, "A person who is unable to bear another's distress is called compassionate...Actually, because Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is very difficult to approach Him. But the devotees, taking advantage of His compassionate nature, which is represented by Radharani, always pray to Radharani for Krsna's compassion."
Lord krishna told him
Meenakshi Sinha, Bharatpur, : He stumbles and stoops, trying to get his footing right. But when he greets the audience, his voice is thunderous – “Hare Krishna Hare Ram, sabko meri Ram Ram.”
At 108 years, Nemi Baba is the oldest active Rajasthani folk musician. He plays the algoza, a wind instrument that resembles a pair of wooden flutes. With three fingers on each side of the flute and by breathing rapidly into it, the instrument emits a bouncing, swinging rhythm.
Though speculations about his age abound, Nemi, who seems to have no real idea about it, claims he’s been playing the algoza for 110 years. “He believes it. His sons believe it,” says Divya Bhatia, director of Rajasthan International Folk Festival (RIFF). “Whatever be his age, for me the artist, the man and the legend are more important. There’s something deeply spiritual about Nemi’s attitude to life.”
When the wrestler-turned-baba was recently introduced at the RIFF at Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur, he debated for a long time whether to sit or stand even as the audience waited patiently. Then he dropped a bombshell. This would be his last performance here, he said, adding it was because Lord Krishna told him so.
Nemi has a quirky side – he barely smiles but laughs a lot, pounding his chest as if to show that the wrestler in him is still alive. He’s so connected with Krishna that he makes everyone recite a bhajan: “Hare Krishna Hare Ram/teri gele zharu Ram/hamare ghar aao Ram (Dear lord, I’m sweeping my house clean in your name. Do visit my abode).” He claims that regular recitation of it will ward off jealous neighbours.
Krishna could not have had a more devout disciple. At 45 years, Nemi started the parikrama of Braj chaurasi kos from Deeg. This circular journey of some 260km would cover the birthplace of Krishna and touch the districts of Kosi, Nandgram, Barsana, Hodal, Basna, Mathura and Govardhan. “I would complete the journey in six days,” he says. He continued the tradition for 24 years before his health forced him to drop out.
Ask him where he learnt to play the algoza and he recalls Krishna’s raas leela as if he was party to it. “Just like Krishna played the flute among the gopis and his cows, I, too, wandered with my buffalos near the village pond when I was 14 or 15. It was there that I carved the algoza from the trunk of the andara plant (a hollow plant like the bamboo) and have been playing it since.”
The musician, who comes from the Jat stronghold of Bedham in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan, gave up his family and all worldly possessions when he was 55. Since then, he has been living in a small Radha Krishna temple, where he plays the algoza to his lord. He believes he sees the lord in every member of his audience.
While he wandered in the forests and slept in the temple, his wife would visit him to provide food and clothing and to pray together. One day, when she didn’t turn up, he went looking for her at home. She was unwell and resting. Seeing him, she reprimanded him for leaving his prayers incomplete and sent him back. When he returned, she had passed away.
Ask him how he feels today without her and he puts a brave front, but that’s only initially. Biyah kar diyo usne, bida kar diyo. Woh toh kushi kushi gayee apne ghar (“I got her married to the lord and bid her farewell. She went away happily.”) Prod further and he becomes listless. “Don’t ask, sister, how I feel,” he says, adding that he misses the kirtans with his wife. He has two sons and four grandsons.
His longevity could perhaps be attributed to his rich diet. As a wrestler, he would have 7-8 litres of milk daily and 15 litres of pure ghee in a week. Today, he prefers two litres of milk everyday and a meal of chapattis and vegetables. Nand Kishore, his grandon, explains helpfully that Nemi’s generation hardly consumed vegetables . “Most of their food was made up of milk, ghee and sweets.”
Nemi must have eaten well. It still shows, especially when he plays the algoza.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
हरिदेव मन्दिर / Haridev Ji Temple
Mansi Ganga, this temple built nearby Amber (Amer) was built by King Raja Bhagwan Das. 68 feet long and 20 feet wide Bhuvinyas prism of the sanctum sanctorum of the temple car was built according to this measure. Three arches in the central part around which remain open. When the door near the fourth Prstrwad Hindu style is based on the strength of the technology. The height from the balcony of the upper portion are made Raushndan is about 30 feet. Certain distance between the ends of the ornate elephant and sea lion emerged. The upper stone was the double roof. The high arched exterior and interior was ruptured. Central part of the plane from the edge but it was so deep arches Dar and lower width of the building belong to the vault. Man, son of the same flashing vault Bhagwandas had it done by the Govind Dev Ji temple in Vrindavan is also visible.
Bhuvinsay the two peaks at the middle and inner sanctum of the roof level to be equal to the exterior of the massive building is grand and impressive. Bharatpur mines in the surrounding stones were used in the foundation. They were several feet deep Brt. Building the soil around the base of stability and realization of the increased building height. Paladin's father was the founder of the temple Bihariml already established relations with the Mughal court. He was head of branch Amber Kcwaha Rajawat of Thakurs. He says the founder of this branch was the 18th generation descendant. Jaipur, the capital was moved in 1728 AD in the latter period. 34 th generation descendant of Emperor are currently listed. God of War Das control Srnal luck saved the lives of Akbar. Subsequently he was appointed Governor of Punjab. He died in Lahore in 1520. Ultimately his daughter who was married to Salim, Emperor Jahangir holding the title.
Temple received an annual income of Rs 2,300 Bgosa and villages were Lodhipuri. Grant of the village of Bharatpur King in exchange for donations made by the 500 rupees monthly. Temple to temple hereditary Gosani long texture and religious services are ignored and the income to consume. Due to the short-sighted greed famous pilgrimage temple in northern India compared with Warshik income declined to Rs 50. Not only this, AD 1872 in the central part of the strong roof began to shabby.
Temple received an annual income of Rs 2,300 Bgosa and villages were Lodhipuri. Grant of the village of Bharatpur King in exchange for donations made by the 500 rupees monthly. Temple to temple hereditary Gosani long texture and religious services are ignored and the income to consume. Due to the short-sighted greed famous pilgrimage temple in northern India compared with Warshik income declined to Rs 50. Not only this, AD 1872 in the central part of the strong roof began to shabby.
Graus to be restored to the civil court seeks grant approvals.Offer support to local authorities did not have any reluctance and an engineer was deputed to check the cost of restoration work possible. But unfortunately, in correspondence with the Commissioner's office late and leaving the remaining part of the roof fell. However, it could become a paradigm in the field of restoration. The estimated cost of Rs 8767 was set. In addition to the introduction of the work was well saved. Will immediately begin the task undertaken without delay in two or three years are completed without a hitch. But senior officials have not given further orders until April. The future estimated costs were presented in October.Accordingly, he
मानसी गंगा / Manasi Ganga...
Goverdhan village in the middle is Mr. Manasi Ganga. Have the right to return from orbit and on the right and it is seen that Puncri. Once Mr. Nand - Yashoda and to live all Brajwasi bathe in the Ganga river running by the idea. - Go there when they arrived the evening was Govardhan. Therefore, to spend the night in Mr. Nand Maharaj Shri Govardhan ensure a captivating place.
Krishna thought in mind that here in Brajdham all - places are inhabited, but is ignorant of Brajwasign its great glory. So I will have to find a solution to it. Sri Krishna's mind ideas such as the Sri Ganga ji Mansi Giriraj has appeared in the foothills. Morning when all Brajwasion Mr. Ganga in the foothills of Giriraj ji saw They began to talk to each other in awe. Mr. Krishna said Antrhyami amaze all see that - to serve the sacred Brajbhumi all the three worlds - the pilgrimage to come here and dwells. But still you people are going to bathe in the Ganga except Brij. That's why mother Ganga before you Krishna thought in mind that here in Brajdham all - places are inhabited, but is ignorant of Brajwasign its great glory. So I will have to find a solution to it. Sri Krishna's mind ideas such as the Sri Ganga ji Mansi Giriraj has appeared in the foothills. Morning when all Brajwasion Mr. Ganga in the foothills of Giriraj ji saw They began to talk to each other in awe. Mr. Krishna said Antrhyami amaze all see that - to serve the sacred Brajbhumi all the three worlds - the pilgrimage to come here and dwells. But still you people are going to bathe in the Ganga except Brij. That's why mother Ganga before you...
He stated in Bhakti Vilas - Ganga Devi Dugdhmaye! Bgvnmansodve. Avirbhut from the mind of Lord Krishna, the goddess Ganga Dugdhmayi! I'll greet you. Manasi Ganga is the significance of this most famous Ganges River. It occurred to Mr. Lord's feet, and its origin is from the mind of Mr. Lord. Mr. Radhakrishna Skion with the boat here - rides to play. The Mansi Ganga, Shri Raghunath Das, Shri Radhakrishna of Goswameepad Naunka - luxury Leela had a vision. Manasi Ganga bath at once to receive the fruits of the hundreds of thousands Rajasuy Ashwamedha sacrifices are not sacrifices to get to the *. Mansi Ganga stone stairs to the coasts of Sri Raja Man Singh of Jaipur, including the distinction of having the king's father is Mr. Bhagwandas. Around Manasi Ganga and the philosophy of places around the place.
Rotation system
Around Manasi Ganga can pick from any location at any time. But where to start orbiting around the rest should come on. Mukharvind start of the round. Mansi Ganga Mukharvind on the East Coast near the temple is Sri Lakshmi temple. Govardhan Parikrama along the road from here, Mr. Hridev ji Temple. On the way back from walking around the temple has a Dangati Mr. Danbihari law. - Go Shri Laxmi Narayan temple, Sri Radha Madan Mohan Mandir, Shri Bihari ji temple, Sri Vishwakarma Temple, Sri Venkateswara Temple, Sri Radhavllb Temple, Shri Shyamsunder temple here, Mr. Ckleshhwar Mahadev temple, temple visit, and while Mr. Mukharvind the orbiting let's break.
मन्दिर तथा कुण्ड समूह
Mr. Mukharvind, Sri Lakshmi Temple, Sri Kisorishyam Temple, Shri Giriraj temple, Sri Mnmahaprbhu live meeting, Shri Radhakrishna temple is located.
Mr. Hridev Temple, Brhmkund, Mr. Mnsadevi Temple, Mr. Guradau law, Mr. Gndheshwar Mahadev Ji, Sri Yamuna Mohan G, Srimahadev - Hanuman Ji, Shri Bihari ji temple are worth visiting.
Shri Giriraj Maharaj (Sri Sakshigopal) Temple, Shri Vishwakarma, Sri Radha Krishna temple is located.
In the north
Mr. Radhabllb Temple, Sri Narasimha, Sri Shyamsunder, Mr. Bihari ji, Shri Laxminarayan, Shri Nath Ji, Mr. Nandbaba the temple, Mr. Radharmn, new house, Mr. Adwatdas Baba Bhajan Kutir Ashram of Baba Sri three penny, Siddhbaba praises to the cottage , Mr. Radhagovind temple, divine praises, Mr. Ckleshhwar Mahadev, Mahaprabhu temple, Rajkund, hammock park location, proven Shri Hanuman Mandir etc are worth visiting.
Mr. Hridev Temple, Brhmkund, Mr. Mnsadevi Temple, Mr. Guradau law, Mr. Gndheshwar Mahadev Ji, Sri Yamuna Mohan G, Srimahadev - Hanuman Ji, Shri Bihari ji temple are worth visiting.
Shri Giriraj Maharaj (Sri Sakshigopal) Temple, Shri Vishwakarma, Sri Radha Krishna temple is located.
In the north
Mr. Radhabllb Temple, Sri Narasimha, Sri Shyamsunder, Mr. Bihari ji, Shri Laxminarayan, Shri Nath Ji, Mr. Nandbaba the temple, Mr. Radharmn, new house, Mr. Adwatdas Baba Bhajan Kutir Ashram of Baba Sri three penny, Siddhbaba praises to the cottage , Mr. Radhagovind temple, divine praises, Mr. Ckleshhwar Mahadev, Mahaprabhu temple, Rajkund, hammock park location, proven Shri Hanuman Mandir etc are worth visiting.
Mansi Ganga ghats, built all of Jaipur was built by King Man Singh's father, King Bhagwandas. Manasi Ganga is very important. Mansi Ganga expressed the three stories are told.
Mansi Ganga ghats, built all of Jaipur was built by King Man Singh's father, King Bhagwandas. Manasi Ganga is very important. Mansi Ganga expressed the three stories are told.
Mr. Nandbaba and Yashoda Maiya Ganga with Brajwasion were going on a trip to Bath. At night they rested in Govardhan. Krishna was the idea that there are many places of pilgrimage in Braj, go so far? Bhagirathi river and recalling the memory of Krishna Ganga, there were appeared to be the day of Diwali. Deepdan all at night and shower. When millions of pilgrims every year on Diwali here and Deepdan are bathing.
Krishna G G Ptrani Yamuna river's older sister prayed to Krishna to grace the top. At the same time called for prayers of the Yamuna river Krishna and gopis to gratify them with the water rides.
Krishna G G Ptrani Yamuna river's older sister prayed to Krishna to grace the top. At the same time called for prayers of the Yamuna river Krishna and gopis to gratify them with the water rides.
पूंछरी का लौठा / Punchari Ka Lautha
Puँcri village are in the state of Rajasthan. Anyur three km from the village Puँcri villages are located on the south side. Puँcri Bharatpur rulers have been built by many artistic umbrellas. From the east and west ends of the round and round the bend is in the path. Puँcri the cause -Srigovrdhn size is akin to a peacock. If their Jihwa and Krishnkund Civuk Sriradhakund, Lalita Kund is frontal. Puncri dancing peacock feathers - are at the tail. So the name of this village are famous Pucँri. Second reason - is Gurup Srigirirajji shape. This figure is also Sriradhakund their Jihwa and Lalitakund frontal and tail are Puncrimen. For this reason the name of the village Puँcri says. This place is Virajit Srigirirajji stage.
Srilutaji Temple
Puncri Srilutaji temple in the village is worth a visit on the way round. The story is told from Srilutaji Samvndhit Yew - Srilotaji name of Krishna was a friend. Krishna at Dwarka Lutaji go with when requested. Lutaji it said - 'Oh, my dear friend! I do not want to give Braj. But to discard your Braj I'm so sorry that. So you again till Brjagmn food - except for water that will make the supreme sacrifice. When you return to this place Puncri Srilutaji temple in the village is worth a visit on the way round. The story is told from Srilutaji Samvndhit Yew - Srilotaji name of Krishna was a friend. Krishna at Dwarka Lutaji go with when requested. Lutaji it said - 'Oh, my dear friend! I do not want to give Braj. But to discard your Braj I'm so sorry that. So you again till Brjagmn food - except for water that will make the supreme sacrifice. When you return to this place...
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
जतीपुरा / Jatipura
This is a major center for Ballabh sect. This ancient temple of Shrinathji was at Govardhan, which tattered condition is. This recommendation was Ashtchhap poet Surdas etc.. Sribllbachary G & Vittlnathji are meeting here. Ballabh sect's many temples. Gopalpura Jtipura name was, here is Mukharbind of Srigirraj. Black, bastard teak, Harji spring, Tajbibi-stone, Govinda Swami's Kadamb Kndi, Bilcu Kund is the site where the play is a historical place of the Vallabh cult devotees. Gulal Jtipura spring ahead, Gatuli, Todd is dense.
दानघाटी का मन्दिर / गिरिराज जी मन्दिर / Danghati Temple / Giriraj Ji Temple
Mathura - Govardhan Dig This temple is situated on the route.
Millions Srriddhalu Girrajji coming round to worship in this temple and started their rounds to earn full benefits. The temple is very important in Braj.
Context – Sribaguri any time on the banks of Rishi Govind Kund were Bgwatr sacrifice for love. Away - away from the gop - Gopiaँ sacrifice was bringing the matter. Radhika and their maids from across the Dangati clabber, milk, butter and milk porridge, etc. of the various funds were getting. Subl locally, Mdhumngl etc. Krishna with Skhaon Adhakr their sticks strongly to the charity (Toltaks) were asking. Many of those with gopis tip - was thrown. Fine Tribng Bngi stood as Krishna said - are you taking?
Lalita - Well, we never heard. Vrindaji are still asking.
Friend asked with a smile soon turned to Vrinda - Vrinde! The 'black' is your husband?
Vrinda - (Tunkkr) Not at all. There is no further contact with the false dissolute. Yes It was mine, but I have devoted to Radikaji Vrindvneshwari. All the maids laughed down sides. Yet some donations were Krishna shyly stood for. The gopis Premklh after the donation within a few blocks - superannuation donated reservoir of love. And taken.
Millions Srriddhalu Girrajji coming round to worship in this temple and started their rounds to earn full benefits. The temple is very important in Braj.
Still here or across the across the cross have to pay toll at the crossing. Premklh from the time of the gopis and Krishna as Krishnleela generous tip - is saddled with the Danleela.
Dankeli - moon and Dankeli - Chintamani etc. Gudiy Goswamion juice of the texts describe this play.Gopiaँ - Baguri for the veneration of saints milk, yogurt, butter are taking.
The name itself Mdhumngl of butter in the home was flooded. He quickly said, go ahead soon by donating here.
Lalita - tone full quote - What Charity? We have not ever donated.
Krishna - the gift of the adversary will have to go here.
Mrs. G - When you become a donor? State it is your legacy?
Krishna - Do not cross? Vrindavan Vrindavneshwar I'm king of the state.
Wife - so, how?
Krishna - Vrinda is my lawful wife. Is the wife of her husband's property. Vrindavan Vrindadevi state, it is my own state.The name itself Mdhumngl of butter in the home was flooded. He quickly said, go ahead soon by donating here.
Lalita - tone full quote - What Charity? We have not ever donated.
Krishna - the gift of the adversary will have to go here.
Mrs. G - When you become a donor? State it is your legacy?
Krishna - Do not cross? Vrindavan Vrindavneshwar I'm king of the state.
Wife - so, how?
Lalita - Well, we never heard. Vrindaji are still asking.
Friend asked with a smile soon turned to Vrinda - Vrinde! The 'black' is your husband?
Vrinda - (Tunkkr) Not at all. There is no further contact with the false dissolute. Yes It was mine, but I have devoted to Radikaji Vrindvneshwari. All the maids laughed down sides. Yet some donations were Krishna shyly stood for. The gopis Premklh after the donation within a few blocks - superannuation donated reservoir of love. And taken.
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